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Our Adventures

At WAVE we want to give people the opportunity to try new, exciting experiences in a safe setting, supported by experienced and supportive staff. Canoeing down rivers or scaling a cliff face is possibly not the first idea to spring to mind when you are looking to take up a new hobby, but we aim to show how achievable, exhilarating and rewarding these adventures can be. Our indoor sessions are popular too and can provide a more gentle introduction to activities.

what we offer

We offer mountain biking, gorge walking, orienteering, team building, raft building and countryside or mountain walks. For those who aren’t keen on heights or simply want a different challenge, bouldering offers an alternative climbing experience, yet demands many of the same physical skills used in climbing.


Best of all, WAVE sessions can be tailor-made for individuals and groups according to their needs and aptitudes. Everyone who takes part has the chance to go at their own pace. Beginners will receive the guidance and support to help them gain confidence, while someone more advanced can progress quickly with our expert instruction.


At WAVE we offer far more than outdoor experiences- we will work with you to progress at your own pace and encourage you to develop high level skills and work towards coaching and leadership training/ awards.

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